Hi there! My name is Jeroen, and I am a statistical researcher specialized in longitudinal data analysis methods for causal inference. In my research, I evaluate, compare, and develop analysis methods that are used in a variety of disciplines, ranging from psychology and social sciences, to epidemiology and biostatistics. I currently work as a postdoctoral researcher at Utrecht University (the Netherlands) and as a lecturer at Humboldt-Universität (Berlin, Germany).
PhD Methods and Statistics
Universiteit Utrecht
MSc Methodology and Statistics for the Behavioural, Biomedical, and Social Sciences
Universiteit Utrecht
BSc Communication Science
Universiteit van Twente
Currently, my project concerns the use causal inference techniques (e.g., g-methods, debiased machine learning techniques) for the analysis of longitudinal, observational data in psychological research.
I find it important to always keep the end-users of the statistical methods (i.e., applied researchers) in mind. Therefore, I devote considerable time to the readability and comprehensibility of my academic articles; develop user-friendly applications for others to apply analytical techniques; and enjoy presenting about it at conferences and during lectures for bachelor and master students, doctoral candidates, and postdoctoral researchers.
If you have questions or suggestions for collaborations (both methodological or more empirical work), or if you are interested in consultation, please do not hesitate to contact me.