Online supplementary materials

``Estimating causal effects of time-varying exposures: The overlap and differences between structural equation modeling and marginal structural models’’ by Mulder, Luijken, Penning-de Vries, and Hamaker (under review)


Utrecht University


This document contains the online supplementary materials of Mulder, Luijken, Penning-de Vries, and Hamaker (under review). R code and Mplus syntax for the analysis of the empirical example, and for the simulation study can be found below. All analyses in R were done using version 4.2.2 R Core Team (2022b). We relied on functions from the R packages

  • WeightIt (version 0.14.0) by Greifer (2023b);
  • cobalt (version 4.5.0) by Greifer (2023a);
  • boot (version 1.3-28) by Canty and Ripley (2022);
  • mice (version 3.16.0) by Buuren and Groothuis-Oudshoorn (2011);
  • foreign (version 0.8-83) by R Core Team (2022a);
  • dplyr (version 1.1.4) by Wickham et al. (2023);
  • purrr (version 1.0.2) by Wickham and Henry (2023); and
  • ggplot2 (version 3.4.4) by Wickham (2016).

Analyses in Mplus were done using version 8.9 Muthén and Muthén (2017).

Empirical example

For the empirical example we made use of the health survey data of the Longitudinal Internet studies for the Social Sciences panel, administered by Centerdata (Tilburg University, The Netherlands). More information about the LISS panel can be found at Scherpenzeel (2018). The wave-specific health datasets (from 2007 to 2021) were first imported into R and merged together.

df_LISS <- map(
  .x = c("./data/ch07a_2p_EN.sav", "./data/ch08b_EN_1.3p.sav",
         "./data/ch09c_EN_1.1p.sav", "./data/ch10d_EN_1.0p.sav",
         "./data/ch11e_EN_1.0p.sav", "./data/ch12f_EN_1.0p.sav",
         "./data/ch13g_EN_1.0p.sav", "./data/ch15h_EN_1.2p.sav", 
         "./data/ch16i_EN_1.0p.sav", "./data/ch17j_EN_1.0p.sav", 
         "./data/ch18k_EN_1.0p.sav", "./data/ch19l_EN_1.0p.sav",
         "./data/ch20m_EN_1.0p.sav", "./data/ch21n_EN_1.0p.sav"),
    use.value.labels = FALSE, = TRUE
  ) |>
  reduce(full_join, by = "nomem_encr") |>
  select( # Select exposure, outcome, and covariates
    ends_with("017"), # Weight
    ends_with("126"), # Smoking status ("Do you smoke?", 1 = yes, 2 = no, I quit)
    ends_with("001"), # Sex
    ends_with("002"), # Age
    ends_with("005"), # Is your health better or worse than last year?
    ends_with("127"), # What do/did you smoke? Cigarettes (including shag)
    ends_with("128"), # What do/did you smoke? Pipe 
    ends_with("129"), # What do/did you smoke? Cigars 
    ends_with("130"), # Number of cigarettes per day
    ends_with("131"), # Number of pipes per day
    ends_with("132"), # Number of cigars per day
    ends_with("133"), # Alcohol (average last 12 months, categories)
    ends_with("080"), # Doctor diagnoses angina (last year, 0 = no, 1 = yes) 
    ends_with("081"), # Doctor diagnoses heart problems (last year, 0 = no, 1 = yes)
    ends_with("082"), # Doctor diagnoses high blood pressure (last year, 0 = no, 1 = yes)
    ends_with("083"), # Doctor diagnoses high cholesterol (last year, 0 = no, 1 = yes) 
    ends_with("084"), # Doctor diagnoses beroerte (last year, 0 = no, 1 = yes)
    ends_with("085"), # Doctor diagnoses diabetes (last year, 0 = no, 1 = yes)
    ends_with("086"), # Doctor diagnoses lung disease (last year, 0 = no, 1 = yes) 
    ends_with("087"), # Doctor diagnoses astma (last year, 0 = no, 1 = yes) 
    ends_with("088"), # Doctor diagnoses artritis (last year, 0 = no, 1 = yes) 
    ends_with("089"), # Doctor diagnoses cancer (last year, 0 = no, 1 = yes)
    ends_with("090"), # Doctor diagnoses gastric ulcer (last year, 0 = no, 1 = yes) 
    ends_with("092"), # Doctor diagnoses staar (last year, 0 = no, 1 = yes)
    ends_with("096"), # Doctor diagnoses goedaardige tumor (last year, 0 = no, 1 = yes)
    ends_with("186"), # Hours heavy physical activity (average last week)
    ends_with("071") # Do you regularly suffer from heart problems, angina, pain in chest?
  ) |>
    ID = nomem_encr, 
    weight_07 = ch07a017, weight_08 = ch08b017, weight_09 = ch09c017, weight_10 = ch10d017,
      weight_11 = ch11e017, weight_12 = ch12f017, weight_13 = ch13g017, weight_15 = ch15h017, 
      weight_16 = ch16i017, weight_17 = ch17j017, weight_18 = ch18k017, weight_19 = ch19l017,
      weight_20 = ch20m017, weight_21 = ch21n017,
    smoke_07 = ch07a126, smoke_08 = ch08b126, smoke_09 = ch09c126, smoke_10 = ch10d126,
      smoke_11 = ch11e126, smoke_12 = ch12f126, smoke_13 = ch13g126, smoke_15 = ch15h126, 
      smoke_16 = ch16i126, smoke_17 = ch17j126, smoke_18 = ch18k126, smoke_19 = ch19l126,
      smoke_20 = ch20m126, smoke_21 = ch21n126,
    sex_08 = ch08b001, sex_09 = ch09c001, sex_10 = ch10d001, 
      sex_11 = ch11e001, sex_12 = ch12f001, sex_13 = ch13g001, sex_15 = ch15h001, 
      sex_16 = ch16i001, sex_17 = ch17j001, sex_18 = ch18k001, sex_19 = ch19l001,
      sex_20 = ch20m001, sex_21 = ch21n001,
    age_08 = ch08b002, age_09 = ch09c002, age_10 = ch10d002,
      age_11 = ch11e002, age_12 = ch12f002, age_13 = ch13g002, age_15 = ch15h002, 
      age_16 = ch16i002, age_17 = ch17j002, age_18 = ch18k002, age_19 = ch19l002,
      age_20 = ch20m002, age_21 = ch21n002,
    geznd_07 = ch07a005, geznd_08 = ch08b005, geznd_09 = ch09c005, geznd_10 = ch10d005,
      geznd_11 = ch11e005, geznd_12 = ch12f005, geznd_13 = ch13g005, geznd_15 = ch15h005, 
      geznd_16 = ch16i005, geznd_17 = ch17j005, geznd_18 = ch18k005, geznd_19 = ch19l005,
      geznd_20 = ch20m005, geznd_21 = ch21n005,
    tCret_07 = ch07a127, tCret_08 = ch08b127, tCret_09 = ch09c127, tCret_10 = ch10d127,
      tCret_11 = ch11e127, tCret_12 = ch12f127, tCret_13 = ch13g127, tCret_15 = ch15h127, 
      tCret_16 = ch16i127, tCret_17 = ch17j127, tCret_18 = ch18k127, tCret_19 = ch19l127,
      tCret_20 = ch20m127, tCret_21 = ch21n127,
    tPipe_07 = ch07a128, tPipe_08 = ch08b128, tPipe_09 = ch09c128, tPipe_10 = ch10d128,
      tPipe_11 = ch11e128, tPipe_12 = ch12f128, tPipe_13 = ch13g128, tPipe_15 = ch15h128, 
      tPipe_16 = ch16i128, tPipe_17 = ch17j128, tPipe_18 = ch18k128, tPipe_19 = ch19l128,
      tPipe_20 = ch20m128, tPipe_21 = ch21n128,
    tCigar_07 = ch07a129, tCigar_08 = ch08b129, tCigar_09 = ch09c129, tCigar_10 = ch10d129,
      tCigar_11 = ch11e129, tCigar_12 = ch12f129, tCigar_13 = ch13g129, tCigar_15 = ch15h129, 
      tCigar_16 = ch16i129, tCigar_17 = ch17j129, tCigar_18 = ch18k129, tCigar_19 = ch19l129,
      tCigar_20 = ch20m129, tCigar_21 = ch21n129,
    nCret_07 = ch07a130, nCret_08 = ch08b130, nCret_09 = ch09c130, nCret_10 = ch10d130,
      nCret_11 = ch11e130, nCret_12 = ch12f130, nCret_13 = ch13g130, nCret_15 = ch15h130, 
      nCret_16 = ch16i130, nCret_17 = ch17j130, nCret_18 = ch18k130, nCret_19 = ch19l130,
      nCret_20 = ch20m130, nCret_21 = ch21n130,
    nPipe_07 = ch07a131, nPipe_08 = ch08b131, nPipe_09 = ch09c131, nPipe_10 = ch10d131,
      nPipe_11 = ch11e131, nPipe_12 = ch12f131, nPipe_13 = ch13g131, nPipe_15 = ch15h131, 
      nPipe_16 = ch16i131, nPipe_17 = ch17j131, nPipe_18 = ch18k131, nPipe_19 = ch19l131,
      nPipe_20 = ch20m131, nPipe_21 = ch21n131,
    nCigar_07 = ch07a132, nCigar_08 = ch08b132, nCigar_09 = ch09c132, nCigar_10 = ch10d132,
      nCigar_11 = ch11e132, nCigar_12 = ch12f132, nCigar_13 = ch13g132, nCigar_15 = ch15h132, 
      nCigar_16 = ch16i132, nCigar_17 = ch17j132, nCigar_18 = ch18k132, nCigar_19 = ch19l132,
      nCigar_20 = ch20m132, nCigar_21 = ch21n132,
    alc_07 = ch07a133, alc_08 = ch08b133, alc_09 = ch09c133, alc_10 = ch10d133,
      alc_11 = ch11e133, alc_12 = ch12f133, alc_13 = ch13g133, alc_15 = ch15h133, 
      alc_16 = ch16i133, alc_17 = ch17j133, alc_18 = ch18k133, alc_19 = ch19l133,
      alc_20 = ch20m133, alc_21 = ch21n133,
    dAngina_07 = ch07a080, dAngina_08 = ch08b080, dAngina_09 = ch09c080, dAngina_10 = ch10d080,
      dAngina_11 = ch11e080, dAngina_12 = ch12f080, dAngina_13 = ch13g080, dAngina_15 = ch15h080, 
      dAngina_16 = ch16i080, dAngina_17 = ch17j080, dAngina_18 = ch18k080, dAngina_19 = ch19l080,
      dAngina_20 = ch20m080, dAngina_21 = ch21n080, 
    dHeart_07 = ch07a081, dHeart_08 = ch08b081, dHeart_09 = ch09c081, dHeart_10 = ch10d081,
      dHeart_11 = ch11e081, dHeart_12 = ch12f081, dHeart_13 = ch13g081, dHeart_15 = ch15h081, 
      dHeart_16 = ch16i081, dHeart_17 = ch17j081, dHeart_18 = ch18k081, dHeart_19 = ch19l081,
      dHeart_20 = ch20m081, dHeart_21 = ch21n081,
    dBlood_07 = ch07a082, dBlood_08 = ch08b082, dBlood_09 = ch09c082, dBlood_10 = ch10d082,
      dBlood_11 = ch11e082, dBlood_12 = ch12f082, dBlood_13 = ch13g082, dBlood_15 = ch15h082, 
      dBlood_16 = ch16i082, dBlood_17 = ch17j082, dBlood_18 = ch18k082, dBlood_19 = ch19l082,
      dBlood_20 = ch20m082, dBlood_21 = ch21n082,
    dChol_07 = ch07a083, dChol_08 = ch08b083, dChol_09 = ch09c083, dChol_10 = ch10d083,
      dChol_11 = ch11e083, dChol_12 = ch12f083, dChol_13 = ch13g083, dChol_15 = ch15h083, 
      dChol_16 = ch16i083, dChol_17 = ch17j083, dChol_18 = ch18k083, dChol_19 = ch19l083,
      dChol_20 = ch20m083, dChol_21 = ch21n083,
    dBeroe_07 = ch07a084, dBeroe_08 = ch08b084, dBeroe_09 = ch09c084, dBeroe_10 = ch10d084,
      dBeroe_11 = ch11e084, dBeroe_12 = ch12f084, dBeroe_13 = ch13g084, dBeroe_15 = ch15h084, 
      dBeroe_16 = ch16i084, dBeroe_17 = ch17j084, dBeroe_18 = ch18k084, dBeroe_19 = ch19l084,
      dBeroe_20 = ch20m084, dBeroe_21 = ch21n084,
    dDiab_07 = ch07a085, dDiab_08 = ch08b085, dDiab_09 = ch09c085, dDiab_10 = ch10d085,
      dDiab_11 = ch11e085, dDiab_12 = ch12f085, dDiab_13 = ch13g085, dDiab_15 = ch15h085, 
      dDiab_16 = ch16i085, dDiab_17 = ch17j085, dDiab_18 = ch18k085, dDiab_19 = ch19l085,
      dDiab_20 = ch20m085, dDiab_21 = ch21n085,
    dLung_07 = ch07a086, dLung_08 = ch08b086, dLung_09 = ch09c086, dLung_10 = ch10d086,
      dLung_11 = ch11e086, dLung_12 = ch12f086, dLung_13 = ch13g086, dLung_15 = ch15h086, 
      dLung_16 = ch16i086, dLung_17 = ch17j086, dLung_18 = ch18k086, dLung_19 = ch19l086,
      dLung_20 = ch20m086, dLung_21 = ch21n086,
    dAstm_07 = ch07a087, dAstm_08 = ch08b087, dAstm_09 = ch09c087, dAstm_10 = ch10d087,
      dAstm_11 = ch11e087, dAstm_12 = ch12f087, dAstm_13 = ch13g087, dAstm_15 = ch15h087, 
      dAstm_16 = ch16i087, dAstm_17 = ch17j087, dAstm_18 = ch18k087, dAstm_19 = ch19l087,
      dAstm_20 = ch20m087, dAstm_21 = ch21n087,
    dArtr_07 = ch07a088, dArtr_08 = ch08b088, dArtr_09 = ch09c088, dArtr_10 = ch10d088,
      dArtr_11 = ch11e088, dArtr_12 = ch12f088, dArtr_13 = ch13g088, dArtr_15 = ch15h088, 
      dArtr_16 = ch16i088, dArtr_17 = ch17j088, dArtr_18 = ch18k088, dArtr_19 = ch19l088,
      dArtr_20 = ch20m088, dArtr_21 = ch21n088,
    dKank_07 = ch07a089, dKank_08 = ch08b089, dKank_09 = ch09c089, dKank_10 = ch10d089,
      dKank_11 = ch11e089, dKank_12 = ch12f089, dKank_13 = ch13g089, dKank_15 = ch15h089, 
      dKank_16 = ch16i089, dKank_17 = ch17j089, dKank_18 = ch18k089, dKank_19 = ch19l089,
      dKank_20 = ch20m089, dKank_21 = ch21n089,
    dUlcer_07 = ch07a090, dUlcer_08 = ch08b090, dUlcer_09 = ch09c090, dUlcer_10 = ch10d090,
      dUlcer_11 = ch11e090, dUlcer_12 = ch12f090, dUlcer_13 = ch13g090, dUlcer_15 = ch15h090, 
      dUlcer_16 = ch16i090, dUlcer_17 = ch17j090, dUlcer_18 = ch18k090, dUlcer_19 = ch19l090,
      dUlcer_20 = ch20m090, dUlcer_21 = ch21n090,
    dStaa_07 = ch07a092, dStaa_08 = ch08b092, dStaa_09 = ch09c092, dStaa_10 = ch10d092,
      dStaa_11 = ch11e092, dStaa_12 = ch12f092, dStaa_13 = ch13g092, dStaa_15 = ch15h092, 
      dStaa_16 = ch16i092, dStaa_17 = ch17j092, dStaa_18 = ch18k092, dStaa_19 = ch19l092,
      dStaa_20 = ch20m092, dStaa_21 = ch21n092,
    dTumo_07 = ch07a096, dTumo_08 = ch08b096, dTumo_09 = ch09c096, dTumo_10 = ch10d096,
      dTumo_11 = ch11e096, dTumo_12 = ch12f096, dTumo_13 = ch13g096, dTumo_15 = ch15h096, 
      dTumo_16 = ch16i096, dTumo_17 = ch17j096, dTumo_18 = ch18k096, dTumo_19 = ch19l096,
      dTumo_20 = ch20m096, dTumo_21 = ch21n096,
    hourHPA_07 = ch07a186, hourHPA_08 = ch08b186, hourHPA_09 = ch09c186, hourHPA_10 = ch10d186,
      hourHPA_11 = ch11e186, hourHPA_12 = ch12f186, hourHPA_13 = ch13g186, hourHPA_15 = ch15h186, 
      hourHPA_16 = ch16i186, hourHPA_17 = ch17j186, hourHPA_18 = ch18k186, # From 2019 onwards not measured
    sHeart_07 = ch07a071, sHeart_08 = ch08b071, sHeart_09 = ch09c071, sHeart_10 = ch10d071,
      sHeart_11 = ch11e071, sHeart_12 = ch12f071, sHeart_13 = ch13g071, sHeart_15 = ch15h071, 
      sHeart_16 = ch16i071, sHeart_17 = ch17j071, sHeart_18 = ch18k071, sHeart_19 = ch19l071,
      sHeart_20 = ch20m071, sHeart_21 = ch21n071
  ) |>

# For each enrollment year, select target population
df_LISS07 <- df_LISS |> filter(smoke_07 == 1)

df_LISS08 <- df_LISS |> filter( & smoke_08 == 1)

df_LISS09 <- df_LISS |> 
  filter( & & smoke_09 == 1)

df_LISS10 <- df_LISS |>
  filter( & & & smoke_10 == 1)

df_LISS11 <- df_LISS |>
  filter( & & & & 
    smoke_11 == 1

df_LISS12 <- df_LISS |>
  filter( & & & & & 
    smoke_12 == 1

df_LISS13 <- df_LISS |>
  filter( & & & & & & 
    smoke_13 == 1

df_LISS15 <- df_LISS |>
  filter( & & & & & & &
    smoke_15 == 1

df_LISS16 <- df_LISS |>
  filter( & & & & & & & &
    smoke_16 == 1

df_LISS17 <- df_LISS |>
  filter( & & & & & & & & &
    smoke_17 == 1

df_LISS18 <- df_LISS |>
  filter( & & & & & & & & & & 
    smoke_18 == 1

df_LISS19 <- df_LISS |>
  filter( & & & & & & & & & & &
    smoke_19 == 1

df_LISS20 <- df_LISS |>
  filter( & & & & & & & & & & & & 
    smoke_20 == 1

# Merge target population from year-specific datasets together
df_target <- df_LISS07 |>
    df_LISS08, df_LISS09, df_LISS10, df_LISS11, df_LISS12, df_LISS13,
    df_LISS15, df_LISS16, df_LISS17, df_LISS18, df_LISS19, df_LISS20
  ) |>
    cols = -ID,
    names_to = c("var", "time"),
    names_sep = "_", 
    names_transform = list(time = as.numeric)
  ) |>
  pivot_wider(values_from = value, names_from = var) |>
  drop_na(smoke) |>
  group_by(ID) |>
  mutate(time = 0:(n() - 1)) |>
  ungroup() |>
  filter(time <= 3) |>
  pivot_wider(names_from = time, values_from = c(weight:sHeart))

rm(df_LISS07, df_LISS08, df_LISS09, df_LISS10, df_LISS11, df_LISS12, df_LISS13,
   df_LISS15, df_LISS16, df_LISS17, df_LISS18, df_LISS19, df_LISS20)

Data cleaning and preparation

Exploration of the data with describe(df_target) from the psych package revealed individuals with implausible values: These were removed from the dataset. Missing values in this sample were then filled in by single imputation, and the data were exported to Mplus.

# Descriptive sample

# Prepare sample data for analyses
df_target_clean <- df_target |>
  filter( | (weight_0 > 20 & weight_0 < 155)) |>
  filter( | (weight_1 > 30 & weight_1 < 160)) |>
  filter( | (weight_3 > 30 & weight_3 < 160)) |>
  filter( | hourHPA_3 < 168) |>
  rowwise(ID) |>
    age = mean(c(age_0, age_1, age_2, age_3), na.rm = TRUE),
    sex = mean(c(sex_0, sex_1, sex_2, sex_3), na.rm = TRUE) - 1,
    comor1_0 = if_else(sum(c_across(starts_with("d") & ends_with("_0"))) == 1, 1, 0),
    comor2_0 = if_else(sum(c_across(starts_with("d") & ends_with("_0"))) > 1, 1, 0),
    comor1_1 = if_else(sum(c_across(starts_with("d") & ends_with("_1"))) == 1, 1, 0),
    comor2_1 = if_else(sum(c_across(starts_with("d") & ends_with("_1"))) > 1, 1, 0),
    comor1_2 = if_else(sum(c_across(starts_with("d") & ends_with("_2"))) == 1, 1, 0),
    comor2_2 = if_else(sum(c_across(starts_with("d") & ends_with("_2"))) > 1, 1, 0),
    smoke_0 = smoke_0 - 1,
    smoke_1 = smoke_1 - 1,
    smoke_2 = smoke_2 - 1,
    smoke_3 = smoke_3 - 1
  ) |>
  ungroup() |>
    -sex_0, -sex_1, -sex_2, -sex_3,
    -age_0, -age_1, -age_2, -age_3,
    -smoke_0, -smoke_3,
    -hourHPA_3, -geznd_3, -sHeart_3, -alc_3
  ) |>
  filter(sex == 0 | sex == 1) |>
  mutate_at(c("smoke_1", "smoke_2", "sHeart_0", "sHeart_1", "sHeart_2", "sex", 
              "comor1_0", "comor2_0", "comor1_1", "comor2_1", "comor1_2",
              "comor2_2"), as.factor) |>
  mutate_at(c("geznd_0", "geznd_1", "geznd_2", "alc_0", "alc_1", "alc_2"), as.ordered)

# Single imputation
fit_imp <- mice(df_target_clean, m = 1, seed = 20230728)
df_target_imp <- complete(fit_imp)

# Export for Mplus
factor_to_numeric <- function(f){ as.numeric(levels(f))[f] }

df_target_imp |>
  mutate_if(is.factor, factor_to_numeric) |>
  mutate(smXco1_2 = smoke_1 * comor1_2) |>
    file = "./Mplus/df_target_imp.dat",
    sep = "\t", 
    col.names = FALSE, 
    row.names = FALSE, 
    na = "-999",
    quote = FALSE


Stabilized inverse-probability-of-exposure weights were computed, and covariate imbalance was assessed before and after weighted. Below you can also find R code for the creation of Figure 3 in the main manuscript.

# Compute inverse-probability-of-exposure weights
SW_smoke <- weightitMSM(
    smoke_1 ~ age + sex + # Baseline
      geznd_0 + weight_0 + alc_0 + hourHPA_0 + sHeart_0 + comor1_0 + comor2_0 + # Lag 1
      geznd_1 + weight_1 + alc_1 + hourHPA_1 + sHeart_1 + comor1_1 + comor2_1, # Lag 0
    smoke_2 ~ age + sex + # Baseline
      geznd_0 + weight_0 + alc_0 + hourHPA_0 + sHeart_0 + comor1_0 + comor2_0 + # Lag 2
      geznd_1 + weight_1 + alc_1 + hourHPA_1 + sHeart_1 + comor1_1 + comor2_1 + # Lag 1
      geznd_2 + weight_2 + alc_2 + hourHPA_2 + sHeart_2 + comor1_2 + comor2_2 # Lag 0
  data = df_target_imp,
  method = "glm", 
  stabilize = TRUE, 
  link = "logit"

df_target_imp$SW_smoke <- SW_smoke$weights
df_target_imp$PS_1 <- SW_smoke$ps.list[[1]]
df_target_imp$PS_2 <- SW_smoke$ps.list[[2]]

# Examine positivity by overlap PS distributions
plot_PS <- df_target_imp |>
  select(ID, starts_with("smoke"), starts_with("PS")) |>
  mutate_at(c("smoke_1", "smoke_2"), as.numeric) |>
    cols = -ID,
    names_to = c("var", "time"),
    names_sep = "_", 
    names_transform = list(time = as.numeric)
  ) |>
  pivot_wider(values_from = value, names_from = var) |>
  mutate(facet_time = factor(time, labels = c("Time 1", "Time 2"))) |>
  ggplot(aes(x = PS, fill = as.factor(smoke))) +
  geom_density(alpha = .7) +
  facet_wrap( ~ facet_time) + 
    panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white"),
    axis.text.x = element_text(color = "black"),
    axis.title.y = element_blank(),
    panel.border = element_rect(fill = NA, color = "black"),
    plot.background = element_blank(),
    legend.background = element_blank(),
    legend.key = element_blank(),
    legend.position = "bottom",
    text = element_text(size = 20)
  ) +
  scale_fill_discrete(name = "Exposure", labels = c("Smoking", "Quit smoking"))

ggsave(plot_PS, filename = "./figures/plot_PS.pdf")

# Examine imbalance after reweighing
tab_bal <-
  x = list(
    smoke_1 ~ age + sex + # Baseline
      geznd_0 + weight_0 + alc_0 + hourHPA_0 + sHeart_0 + comor1_0 + comor2_0 + # Lag 1
      geznd_1 + weight_1 + alc_1 + hourHPA_1 + sHeart_1 + comor1_1 + comor2_1, # Lag 0
    smoke_2 ~ age + sex + # Baseline
      geznd_0 + weight_0 + alc_0 + hourHPA_0 + sHeart_0 + comor1_0 + comor2_0 + # Lag 2
      geznd_1 + weight_1 + alc_1 + hourHPA_1 + sHeart_1 + comor1_1 + comor2_1 + # Lag 1
      geznd_2 + weight_2 + alc_2 + hourHPA_2 + sHeart_2 + comor1_2 + comor2_2 # Lag 0
  data = df_target_imp,
  stats = c("m", "ks"),
  weights = df_target_imp$SW_smoke,
  which.time = .all, 
  un = TRUE

plot_love_names <- c(
  age = "Age (years)", 
  sex = "Sex: male",
  geznd_0_1 = "Health change t0: considerably poorer ",
  geznd_0_2 = "Health change t0: somewhat poorer",
  geznd_0_3 = "Health change t0: same ",
  geznd_0_4 = "Health change t0: somewhat better ",
  geznd_0_5 = "Health change t0: considerably better",
  weight_0 = "Weight t0 (kg)",
  alc_0_1 = "Alcohol frequency t0: daily",
  alc_0_2 = "Alcohol frequency t0: 5/6 PW",
  alc_0_3 = "Alcohol frequency t0: 3/4 PW",
  alc_0_4 = "Alcohol frequency t0: 1/2 PW",
  alc_0_5 = "Alcohol frequency t0: 1/2 PM",
  alc_0_6 = "Alcohol frequency t0: 1 P2M",
  alc_0_7 = "Alcohol frequency t0: 1/2 PY",
  alc_0_8 = "Alcohol frequency t0: never",
  hourHPA_0 = "Physical activity t0 (hours per week)",
  sHeart_0 = "Heart problems t0: yes",
  comor1_0 = "Comorbidity t0: 1 diagnosis",
  comor2_0 = "Comorbidity t0: > 1 diagnoses",
  geznd_1_1 = "Health change t1: considerably poorer",
  geznd_1_2 = "Health change t1: somewhat poorer",
  geznd_1_3 = "Health change t1: same ",
  geznd_1_4 = "Health change t1: somewhat better ",
  geznd_1_5 = "Health change t1: considerably better",
  weight_1 = "Weight t1 (kg)",
  alc_1_1 = "Alcohol frequency t1: daily",
  alc_1_2 = "Alcohol frequency t1: 5/6 PW",
  alc_1_3 = "Alcohol frequency t1: 3/4 PW",
  alc_1_4 = "Alcohol frequency t1: 1/2 PW",
  alc_1_5 = "Alcohol frequency t1: 1/2 PM",
  alc_1_6 = "Alcohol frequency t1: 1 P2M",
  alc_1_7 = "Alcohol frequency t1: 1/2 PY",
  alc_1_8 = "Alcohol frequency t1: never",
  hourHPA_1 = "Physical activity t1 (hours per week)",
  sHeart_1 = "Heart problems t1: yes",
  comor1_1 = "Comorbidity t1: 1 diagnosis",
  comor2_1 = "Comorbidity t1: > 1 diagnoses"

plot_love <- love.plot(
  x = tab_bal, 
  drop.distance = TRUE,
  abs = TRUE,
  thresholds = c(m = .2),
  var.names = plot_love_names,
  shapes = c("triangle filled", "circle filled"),
  sample.names = c("Unweighted", "PS weighted"),
  line = TRUE,
  which.time = .all,
  colors = TRUE, 
  stars = "raw",
  position = "bottom"
) +
  labs(title = NULL) 

ggsave(plot_love, filename = "./figures/plot_love.pdf", height = 8, width = 7)

Estimating effects

The below R code estimates the joint effect of smoking cessation on end-of-study body weight, and computed 95% bootstrapped confidence intervals.

# Fit MSM
## Using bootstrap for 95% CI
fn_boot <- function(data, i) {
  df_boot <- data[i,]
  # PS weighting for exposure
  SW_smoke <- weightitMSM(
      smoke_1 ~ age + sex + # Baseline
      geznd_0 + weight_0 + alc_0 + hourHPA_0 + sHeart_0 + comor1_0 + comor2_0 + # Lag 1
      geznd_1 + weight_1 + alc_1 + hourHPA_1 + sHeart_1 + comor1_1 + comor2_1, # Lag 0
    smoke_2 ~ age + sex + # Baseline
      geznd_0 + weight_0 + alc_0 + hourHPA_0 + sHeart_0 + comor1_0 + comor2_0 + # Lag 2
      geznd_1 + weight_1 + alc_1 + hourHPA_1 + sHeart_1 + comor1_1 + comor2_1 + # Lag 1
      geznd_2 + weight_2 + alc_2 + hourHPA_2 + sHeart_2 + comor1_2 + comor2_2 # Lag 0
    data = df_boot,
    method = "glm", 
    stabilize = TRUE, 
    link = "logit"
  # Bring weights into the dataset
  df_boot$weights <- SW_smoke$weights
  # Fit outcome model
  fit <- glm(
    formula = weight_3 ~ smoke_1 + smoke_2,
    data = df_boot, 
    weights = weights
      coef(fit)["smoke_11"] + coef(fit)["smoke_21"]

### Perform bootstrap
out_boot <- boot(df_target_imp, fn_boot, R = 999), type = "perc", index = 1)

Simulation study

The simulations are based on several helper functions, which are introduced and defined below. Data generation was performed in R, while data analysis was performed both in R (for IPW estimation-based methods) and Mplus (for SEM-based methods). The simulation results from R and Mplus were then extracted and merged across the simulation conditions. Finally, the simulation results were visualized.

Helper functions

Three helper functions were defined which all work together to generate data and compute inverse-probability-of-exposure weights for a specific simulation condition.

This function generates data according to the data generating mechanism in Figure 4 of the main paper. Structural relations between variables are specified as polynomials of order 2. By default the parameters of the quadratic term (denoted by B2_...) are set to 0 such that only linear relationships between variables are specified (i.e., DGM 1). Using the argument param_funcForm, the parameters of quadratic terms can be set to other values, thereby allowing for data generated under DGMs 2 to 5. The params_prop_exposed argument sets the intercepts of the exposure-variables, thereby controlling the proportion exposed for each sample.

simulate_data <- function(
    sample_size, params_funcForm, params_prop_exposed, 
    # Wave 1
    B0_L1 = 1, B_C0L1 = 0.1, B2_C0L1 = 0,
    B0_A1 = 0, B_C0A1 = 0.1, B_L1A1 = 0.5, B2_L1A1 = 0, 
    # Wave 2
    B0_L2 = 1, B_L1L2 = 0.3, B_A1L2 = 0.4, B_C0L2 = 0.1, 
      B2_C0L2 = 0, B2_L1L2 = 0,
    B0_A2 = -.545, B_A1A2 = 0.8, B_L1A2 = 0.25, B_L2A2 = 0.5, B_C0A2 = 0.1,
      B2_L1A2 = 0, B2_L2A2 = 0,
    # Outcome
    B0_Y = 0, B_L2Y = 0.3, B_L1Y = 0.15, B_A2Y = 0.4, B_A1Y = 0.2, B_C0Y = 0.1,
      B2_L1Y = 0, B2_L2Y = 0, B2_C0Y = 0
) { 

  # Set (mis)specified population values
  eval(parse(text = params_funcForm))  
  # Set intercepts exposure model for proportion exposed
  eval(parse(text = params_prop_exposed))

  # Simulate data
  C0 <- rnorm(sample_size, mean = 4)
  L1 <- B0_L1 + # Intercept
    B_C0L1 * C0 + # Linear
    B2_C0L1 * I((C0 - mean(C0))^2) + # Quadratic 
  Pr_A1 <- plogis(
    B0_A1 + # Intercept
    B_C0A1 * C0 + B_L1A1 * L1 + # Linear 
    B2_L1A1 * I((L1 - mean(L1))^2) # Quadratic 
  A1 <- rbinom(n = sample_size, size = 1, prob = Pr_A1) 
  L2 <- B0_L2 + # Intercept
    B_L1L2 * L1 + B_A1L2 * A1 + B_C0L2 * C0 + # Linear 
    B2_C0L2 * I((C0 - mean(C0))^2) + B2_L1L2 * I((L1 - mean(L1))^2) + # Quadratic
  Pr_A2 <- plogis(
    B0_A2 + # Intercept
    B_L1A2 * L1 + B_A1A2 * A1 + B_L2A2 * L2 + B_C0A2 * C0 + # Linear 
    B2_L1A2 * I((L1 - mean(L1))^2) + B2_L2A2 * I((L2 - mean(L2))^2) # Quadratic
  A2 <- rbinom(n = sample_size, size = 1, prob = Pr_A2)

  Y <- B0_Y + # Intercept
    B_L2Y * L2 + B_L1Y * L1 + B_A2Y * A2 + B_A1Y * A1 + B_C0Y * C0 + # Linear 
    B2_L1Y * I((L1 - mean(L1))^2) + B2_L2Y * I((L2 - mean(L2))^2) + # Quadratic 
      B2_C0Y * I((C0 - mean(C0))^2) + 
  df <- data.frame(
    C0 = C0, 
    L1 = as.numeric(L1), 
    A1 = as.numeric(A1), 
    L2 = as.numeric(L2), 
    A2 = as.numeric(A2), 
    Y = as.numeric(Y), 
    Pr_A1 = Pr_A1, 
    Pr_A2 = Pr_A2


This function computes stabilized inverse-probability-of-exposure weights using using both a linear propensity score model, and a quadratic propensity score model. For DGMs 4 and 5, the quadratic propensity score model is correct.

# Compute inverse probability of exposure weights
compute_weights <- function(df, stabilized, m_A1_correct, m_A2_correct) {
  # Compute probability of treatment conditional on covariates
  fit_ps1 <- glm(A1 ~ C0 + L1, data = df, family = "binomial")
  fit_ps2 <- glm(A2 ~ C0 + L1 + A1 + L2, data = df, family = "binomial")
  fit_ps1_correct <- glm(as.formula(m_A1_correct), data = df, family = "binomial")
  fit_ps2_correct <- glm(as.formula(m_A2_correct), data = df, family = "binomial")
  ps1_den <- predict(fit_ps1, type = "response")
  ps2_den <- predict(fit_ps2, type = "response")
  ps1_den_correct <- predict(fit_ps1_correct, type = "response")
  ps2_den_correct <- predict(fit_ps2_correct, type = "response")
  # Compute probability of treatment conditional on treatment history
  fit_ps1_num <- glm(A1 ~ 1, data = df, family = "binomial")
  fit_ps2_num <- glm(A2 ~ A1, data = df, family = "binomial")
  ps1_num <- predict(fit_ps1_num, type = "response") 
  ps2_num <- predict(fit_ps2_num, type = "response") 
  # Compute stabilized inverse probability weights 
  ipw1 <- df$A1 * (ps1_num / ps1_den) + (1 - df$A1) * ((1 - ps1_num) / (1 - ps1_den))
  ipw2 <- df$A2 * (ps2_num / ps2_den) + (1 - df$A2) * ((1 - ps2_num) / (1 - ps2_den))
  ipw1_correct <- df$A1 * (ps1_num / ps1_den_correct) + (1 - df$A1) * ((1 - ps1_num) / (1 - ps1_den_correct))
  ipw2_correct <- df$A2 * (ps2_num / ps2_den_correct) + (1 - df$A2) * ((1 - ps2_num) / (1 - ps2_den_correct))
  # Compute stabilized weights
  W <- ipw1 * ipw2
  W_correct <- ipw1_correct * ipw2_correct
  df <- df |>
    dplyr::bind_cols(ps1 = ps1_den, ps2 = ps2_den, W = W, W_correct = W_correct)

This function controls the simulation process for a particular simulation scenario. Based on the population parameter values associated with a particular simulation scenario, it repeatedly generates data using simulate_data, and estimates the always-exposed versus never-exposed effect for an IPW method, a lavaan-based SEM method (not in main manuscript), a t-test (not in main manuscript), and a naive regression method. It outputs three dataframes:

  • df_performance, containing performance metrics such as bias, convergence issues, etc. per estimation method;
  • df_estimates, containing the parameter estimates across all replications; and
  • df_prop_exposed, containing the proportion exposed in the sample per generated sample.

Each generated dataset is also saved, and exported for analysis in Mplus.

# Function to run simulations for single condition
run_condition <- function(condition, n_reps, p, save_folder) {
  # Extract information
  sample_size <- as.numeric(condition["sample_size"])
  id_condition <- as.numeric(condition["id_condition"])
  id_funcForm <- as.numeric(condition["id_funcForm"])
  PV_A1 <- as.numeric(condition["PV_A1"])
  PV_AvN <- as.numeric(condition["PV_AvN"])
  # Memory allocation
  df_IPW_A1 <- df_regression_A1 <- df_correct_A1 <- df_path_A1 <- 
    df_IPW_AvN <- df_regression_AvN <- df_ttest_AvN <- df_path_AvN <- 
    df_correct_AvN <- 
        data = NA, 
        ncol = 2, 
        nrow = n_reps, 
        dimnames = list(NULL, c("PV","est"))
    ) |>
  bind_cols(inadmissible = FALSE, not_converged = FALSE, error = FALSE)
  df_prop_exposed <- data.frame(
      data = NA,
      ncol = 2,
      nrow = n_reps,
      dimnames = list(NULL, c("n_exposed_A1", "n_exposed_A2"))
  # Create folder for data save
  save_path <- file.path(getwd(), save_folder, paste0("condition", id_condition))
  # Replications
  for (i in 1:n_reps) {
    # Fill in population values
    df_IPW_A1[i, "PV"] <- df_regression_A1[i, "PV"] <- df_path_A1[i, "PV"] <- 
      df_correct_A1[i, "PV"] <- PV_A1
    df_IPW_AvN[i, "PV"] <- df_regression_AvN[i, "PV"] <- 
      df_ttest_AvN[i, "PV"] <- df_path_AvN[i, "PV"] <- 
      df_correct_AvN[i, "PV"] <- PV_AvN
    # Simulate data
    df_dat <- simulate_data(sample_size, 
      params_funcForm = condition[["funcForm"]],
      params_prop_exposed = condition[["prop_exposed_funcForm"]]
    ) |>
        stabilized = TRUE,
        m_A1_correct = condition[["m_A1_correct"]],
        m_A2_correct = condition[["m_A2_correct"]]
    # Save data
      file = file.path(save_path, paste0("df", i, "_condition", id_condition, ".dat")),
      sep = "\t", col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, na = "-999"
    # Fill in proportion exposed in sample
    df_prop_exposed[i, "n_exposed_A1"] <- sum(df_dat$A1)
    df_prop_exposed[i, "n_exposed_A2"] <- sum(df_dat$A2)
    # Fit models
    fit_IPW <- tryCatch(
        glm(Y ~ A1 + A2, data = df_dat, weights = W)
      error = function(e) {
        df_IPW_A1[i, "error"] <<- TRUE
        df_IPW_AvN[i, "error"] <<- TRUE
    fit_regression <- tryCatch(
        lm(Y ~ A1 + A2, data = df_dat)
      error = function(e) {
        df_regression_A1[i, "error"] <<- TRUE
        df_regression_AvN[i, "error"] <<- TRUE
    fit_path <- tryCatch(
          lavaan(model = m_path, data = df_dat, ordered = c("A1", "A2"))
      error = function(e) {
        df_path_A1[i, "error"] <<- TRUE
        df_path_AvN[i, "error"] <<- TRUE
    fit_correct <- tryCatch(
        glm(Y ~ A1 + A2, data = df_dat, weights = W_correct)
      error = function(e) {
        df_correct[i, "error"] <<- TRUE
    fit_ttest <- tryCatch(
        df_AvN <- filter(df_dat, A1 == 1 & A2 == 1 | A1 == 0 & A2 == 0) 
        t.test(Y ~ A1, data = df_AvN)
      error = function(e) {
        df_ttest_AvN[i, "error"] <<- TRUE
    # Check convergence and inadmissibility of IPTW-SEM results
    if (is.null(fit_path) || !lavaan::lavInspect(fit_path, what = "converged")) {
      df_path_A1[i, "not_converged"] <- TRUE
      df_path_AvN[i, "not_converged"] <- TRUE
    if (!suppressWarnings(lavaan::lavInspect(fit_path, what = "post.check"))) {
      df_path_A1[i, "inadmissible"] <- TRUE
      df_path_AvN[i, "inadmissible"] <- TRUE
    # Extract point estimates
        df_IPW_A1[i, "est"] <- coef(fit_IPW)["A1"]
        df_Y_0 <- data.frame(C0 = df_dat$C0, A1 = 0, A2 = 0)
        df_Y_0$Y_0 <- predict(fit_IPW, newdata = df_Y_0)
        df_Y_1 <- data.frame(C0 = df_dat$C0, A1 = 1, A2 = 1)
        df_Y_1$Y_1 <- predict(fit_IPW, newdata = df_Y_1)
        df_IPW_AvN[i, "est"] <- mean(df_Y_1$Y_1 - df_Y_0$Y_0)
      error = function(e) {
        df_IPW_A1[i, "error"] <<- TRUE
        df_IPW_AvN[i, "error"] <<- TRUE
        df_regression_A1[i, "est"] <- coef(fit_regression)["A1"]
        df_Y_0 <- data.frame(C0 = df_dat$C0, A1 = 0, A2 = 0)
        df_Y_0$Y_0 <- predict(fit_regression, newdata = df_Y_0)
        df_Y_1 <- data.frame(C0 = df_dat$C0, A1 = 1, A2 = 1)
        df_Y_1$Y_1 <- predict(fit_regression, newdata = df_Y_1)
        df_regression_AvN[i, "est"] <- mean(df_Y_1$Y_1 - df_Y_0$Y_0)
      error = function(e) {
        df_regression_A1[i, "error"] <<- TRUE
        df_regression_AvN[i, "error"] <<- TRUE
        df_path_A1[i, "est"] <- parameterEstimates(fit_path)[32, "est"]
        df_path_AvN[i, "est"] <- parameterEstimates(fit_path)[33, "est"]
      error = function(e) {
        df_regression_A1[i, "error"] <<- TRUE
        df_regression_AvN[i, "error"] <<- TRUE
        df_ttest_AvN[i, "est"] <- fit_ttest$estimate[2] - fit_ttest$estimate[1]
      error = function(e) {
        df_ttest_AvN[i, "error"] <<- TRUE
        df_correct_A1[i, "est"] <- coef(fit_correct)["A1"]
        df_Y_0 <- data.frame(C0 = df_dat$C0, A1 = 0, A2 = 0)
        df_Y_0$Y_0 <- predict(fit_correct, newdata = df_Y_0)
        df_Y_1 <- data.frame(C0 = df_dat$C0, A1 = 1, A2 = 1)
        df_Y_1$Y_1 <- predict(fit_correct, newdata = df_Y_1)
        df_correct_AvN[i, "est"] <- mean(df_Y_1$Y_1 - df_Y_0$Y_0)
      error = function(e) {
        df_correct_A1 [i, "error"] <<- TRUE
        df_correct_AvN [i, "error"] <<- TRUE
    # Signal progress 
  # Compute performance measures
  df_performance <- list(
    IPW_A1 = df_IPW_A1,
    IPW_AvN = df_IPW_AvN,
    regression_A1 = df_regression_A1,
    regression_AvN = df_regression_AvN,
    path_A1 = df_path_A1,
    path_AvN = df_path_AvN,
    ttest_AvN = df_ttest_AvN,
    correct_A1 = df_correct_A1,
    correct_AvN = df_correct_AvN
  ) |>
      function(x) {
        x |> 
            error = sum(error),
            inadmissible = sum(inadmissible), 
            not_converged = sum(not_converged),
            est_bias = mean(est - PV, na.rm = TRUE),
            est_bias = mean((est - PV)^2, na.rm = TRUE), 
            PV = mean(PV, na.rm = TRUE)
      .id = "model"
    ) |>
      id_funcForm = id_funcForm, 
      sample_size = sample_size, 
      prop_exposed = as.numeric(condition["prop_exposed"])
  # Collect point estimates in long-format
  df_estimates <- bind_rows(
      IPW_A1 = df_IPW_A1,
      IPW_AvN = df_IPW_AvN,
      regression_A1 = df_regression_A1,
      regression_AvN = df_regression_AvN,
      path_A1 = df_path_A1,
      path_AvN = df_path_AvN,
      ttest_AvN = df_ttest_AvN,
      correct_A1 = df_correct_A1,
      correct_AvN = df_correct_AvN
    .id = "model"
  ) |> 
      bias = est - PV,
      id_funcForm = id_funcForm, 
      sample_size = sample_size, 
      prop_exposed = as.numeric(condition["prop_exposed"])
    ) |>
    select(model, bias, id_funcForm, sample_size, prop_exposed)
  # Collect proportion exposed in sample
  df_prop_exposed <- df_prop_exposed |>
      id_funcForm = id_funcForm, 
      sample_size = sample_size, 
      target_prop_exposed = as.numeric(condition["prop_exposed"]),
      sample_prop_exposed_A1 = n_exposed_A1 / sample_size,
      sample_prop_exposed_A2 = n_exposed_A2 / sample_size
    ) |>
  # Create repList
  repList <- paste0("df", 1:n_reps, "_condition", id_condition, ".dat")
      file = file.path(save_path, paste0("repList_condition", id_condition, ".dat")),
      sep = "\t", col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE

    df_performance = df_performance, 
    df_estimates = df_estimates,
    df_prop_exposed = df_prop_exposed

Running simulations

The below R code for creates a dataframe with the different simulation scenarios in the rows, and the columns containing the factors that define a simulation scenario. The run_condition() function is then called on each row resulting in the generation of data per scenario, and the analysis of the data by various methods. The generated data was exported such that it can be analysed in Mplus as well.

# Specify population parameter values for different data generating mechanisms 
funcForms <- c(
  "B2_C0L1 <- B2_C0L2 <- 0.1; B2_L1L2 <- 0.3",
  "B2_L2Y <- 0.3; B2_C0Y <- 0.1; B2_L1Y <- 0.15",
  "B2_L1A1 <- 0.5; B2_L1A2 <- 0.25; B2_L2A2 <- 0.5",
  "B2_L1A1 <- 0.5; B2_L1A2 <- 0.25; B2_L2A2 <- 0.5; B2_L2Y <- 0.3; B2_C0Y <- 0.1; B2_L1Y <- 0.15"

# Specify correct PS model for "correct" modeling approach
m_A1_correct <- c(
  "A1 ~ C0 + L1",
  "A1 ~ C0 + L1",
  "A1 ~ C0 + L1",
  "A1 ~ C0 + L1 + I( (L1 - mean(L1))^2 )",
  "A1 ~ C0 + L1 + I( (L1 - mean(L1))^2 )"

m_A2_correct <- c(
  "A2 ~ C0 + A1 + L1 + L2",
  "A2 ~ C0 + A1 + L1 + L2",
  "A2 ~ C0 + A1 + L1 + L2",
  "A2 ~ C0 + A1 + L1 + L2 + I( (L1 - mean(L1))^2 ) + I( (L2 - mean(L2))^2 )", 
  "A2 ~ C0 + A1 + L1 + L2 + I( (L1 - mean(L1))^2 ) + I( (L2 - mean(L2))^2 )"

# Simulation factor 2 - Sample size
sample_sizes <- c(300, 1000)

# Simulation factor 3 - Proportion exposed
props_exposed <- c(.1, .5, .9)

# Set intercepts of binary expose for controlling proportion exposed
prop_exposed_funcForm <- c(
  "B0_A1 <- -3.4; B0_A2 <- -4.18", # DGM 1
  "B0_A1 <- -1.1; B0_A2 <- -2.16", 
  "B0_A1 <- 1.2; B0_A2 <- -0.13",
  "B0_A1 <- -3.44; B0_A2 <- -4.45", # DGM 2
  "B0_A1 <- -1.15; B0_A2 <- -2.39", 
  "B0_A1 <- 1.14; B0_A2 <- -0.36",
  "B0_A1 <- -3.4; B0_A2 <- -4.18", # DGM 3
  "B0_A1 <- -1.1; B0_A2 <- -2.15", 
  "B0_A1 <- 1.2; B0_A2 <- -0.13",
  "B0_A1 <- -4.1; B0_A2 <- -5.31", # DGM 4
  "B0_A1 <- -1.53; B0_A2 <- -2.87", 
  "B0_A1 <- 0.8; B0_A2 <- -0.82",
  "B0_A1 <- -4.1; B0_A2 <- -5.31", # DGM 5
  "B0_A1 <- -1.53; B0_A2 <- -2.87", 
  "B0_A1 <- 0.8; B0_A2 <- -0.82"

# Create simulation conditions
conditions <- data.frame(
  funcForm = rep(funcForms, each = 3),
  id_funcForm = rep(c(1:5), each = 3),
  m_A1_correct = rep(m_A1_correct, each = 3),
  m_A2_correct = rep(m_A2_correct, each = 3),
  PV_A1 = rep(PVs_A1, each = 3),
  PV_AvN = rep(PVs_AvN, each = 3),
  prop_exposed = rep(props_exposed, times = 5),
  prop_exposed_funcForm = prop_exposed_funcForm

df_conditions <- conditions |>
  bind_rows(conditions) |>
    sample_size = rep(sample_sizes, each = nrow(conditions)),
    id_condition = row_number()

conditions <- asplit(df_conditions, 1) 

## Run simulations
n_reps <- 1000

future::plan(multisession, workers = 7)

  p <- progressor(nrow(conditions)*n_reps)

  out <- furrr::future_map(
    .x = conditions,
    .f = run_condition,
    n_reps = n_reps, 
    p = p,
    save_folder = "simulation",
    .options = furrr::furrr_options(
      seed = 20230429


Per simulation scenario, two Mplus input files were created: One for the analysis using only a linear path model, and one for the analysis using a path model that also contained quadratic relations (when relevant). The syntax below is the linear path model for simulation scenario 13 (DGM 5, sample size of 300, proportion exposed is 0.10). Mplus outputs a text file containing the parameter estimates for each analyzed dataset.

   Traditional path analysis for estimating joint effects 
   and prolongued exposure effect.
   - K = 2 (waves)
   - All effects assumed linear

    FILE = repList_condition13.dat;

    NAMES = C0 L1 A1 L2 A2 Y 
            Pr_A1 Pr_A2 ps1 ps2 W W_correct;  
    MISSING = .;

   LINK = LOGIT; ! Alternatively, LINK = LOGIT
   ! When ESTIMATOR = WLSMV, LINK defaults to PROBIT. 
   ! When using LINK = LOGIT, use Bootstrapped CI

    ! Lagged effects on Y
    Y ON A1*0.2 A2*0.4 (B_A1Y B_A2Y);
    Y ON L1*0.15 L2*0.3 (B_L1Y B_L2Y);
    Y ON C0*0.1 (B_C0Y);

    ! Lagged effects on L
    L2 ON L1*0.3 A1*0.4 C0*0.1 (B_L1L2 B_A1L2 B_C0L2);
    L1 ON C0*0.1; 

    ! Lagged effects on A
    A2 ON C0 A1 L1 L2;
    A1 ON C0 L1;
    ! Variance

    ! Residual variances
    L1 L2 Y;

    ! Thresholds
    [A1$1 A2$1] (tau1 tau2);
    JTE_A1 = B_A1L2*B_L2Y + B_A1Y;
    AvN = JTE_A1 + B_A2Y;

    RESULTS = results_condition13.dat;

The syntax below is the quadratic path model (i.e., correctly specified) for simulation scenario 13 (DGM 5, sample size of 300, proportion exposed is 0.10).

   Traditional path analysis for estimating joint effects 
   and prolongued exposure effect.
   - K = 2 (waves)
   - Model correctly specified

    FILE = repList_condition13.dat;

    NAMES = C0 L1 A1 L2 A2 Y 
            Pr_A1 Pr_A2 ps1 ps2 W W_correct;  
    MISSING = .;

    C0C0 = C0**2;
    L1L1 = L1**2;
    L2L2 = L2**2;

   LINK = LOGIT; ! Alternatively, LINK = LOGIT
   ! When ESTIMATOR = WLSMV, LINK defaults to PROBIT. 
   ! When using LINK = LOGIT, use Bootstrapped CI

    ! Lagged effects on Y
    Y ON A1*0.2 A2*0.4 (B_A1Y B_A2Y);
    Y ON L1*0.15 L2*0.3 (B_L1Y B_L2Y);
    Y ON C0*0.1 (B_C0Y);
    Y ON C0C0*0.1 L1L1*0.15 L2L2*0.3;

    ! Lagged effects on L
    L2 ON L1*0.3 A1*0.4 C0*0.1 (B_L1L2 B_A1L2 B_C0L2);
    L2 ON C0C0*0.1 L1L1*0.15;
    L1 ON C0*0.1 C0C0*0.1; 

    ! Lagged effects on A
    A2 ON C0 A1 L1 L2 L1L1 L2L2;
    A1 ON C0 L1 L1L1;
    ! Variance

    ! Residual variances
    L1 L2 Y;

    ! Thresholds
    [A1$1 A2$1] (tau1 tau2);
    JTE_A1 = B_A1L2*B_L2Y + B_A1Y;
    AvN = JTE_A1 + B_A2Y;

    RESULTS = results_correct_condition13.dat;

Extracting simulation results

Output from the analyses in R are saved in an object called out, and output from Mplus analyses are saved in .dat files per simulation scenario. The below R code collects alls results, and merges them into a single large dataframe.

# Restructure results
out_performance <- out |>
  purrr::map(function(x) {x$df_performance}) |>
  bind_rows(.id = "condition")

out_estimates <- out |>
  purrr::map(function(x) {x$df_estimates}) |>
  bind_rows(.id = "condition")

out_prop_exposed <- out |>
  purrr::map(function(x) {x$df_prop_exposed}) |>
  bind_rows(.id = "condition")

# Mplus results (linear)
df_Mplus_linear <- map(
  .x = paste0(".\\simulation\\condition", 1:30, "\\results_condition", 1:30, ".dat"),
  .f = read.delim,
  header = FALSE
) |> map(slice, seq(4, (8*n_reps) - 4, 8)) |>
    .f = separate, 
    col = V1, 
    into = c(paste0("P", 21:25), "Mplus_linear_A1", "Mplus_linear_AvN"),
    sep = c(15, 31, 47, 63, 79, 95)
  ) |>
  map(select, Mplus_linear_A1, Mplus_linear_AvN) |>
    .f = pivot_longer, 
    cols = everything(), 
    names_to = "model", 
    values_to = "estimate",
    values_transform = list(estimate = as.numeric)
  ) |>
  list_rbind(names_to = "condition") 

## Check if extraction of point estimates was successful: Compare to Mplus .out file
check_linear_A1 <- df_Mplus_linear |> 
  group_by(condition, model) |>
    average = mean(estimate),
    SD = sd(estimate),
    MSE = mean((estimate - .32)^2)

## Extract sample_size, prop_exposed, etc. per condition
df_Mplus_add <- out_estimates |>
  group_by(condition) |>
  slice_head(n = 2*n_reps) |>
  mutate(condition = as.numeric(condition)) |>
  select(-bias, -model) |>
  arrange(condition) |>

## Add Mplus (linear) estimate to other results
out_estimates <- df_Mplus_linear |>
  cbind(select(df_Mplus_add, id_funcForm, sample_size, prop_exposed)) |>
  mutate(PV = if_else(model == "Mplus_linear_A1", .32, .72), bias = estimate - PV) |>
  select(-estimate, - PV) |>
  relocate(bias, .before = id_funcForm) |>

# Read in Mplus results DGM 1 (correct)
n_params <- 2
n_props <- 3
n_sample_sizes <- 2

df_Mplus_correct_DGM1 <- map(
  .x = paste0(".\\simulation\\condition", c(1:3, 16:18), "\\results_correct_condition", c(1:3, 16:18), ".dat"),
  .f = read.delim,
  header = FALSE
) |> map(slice, seq(4, (8*n_reps) - 4, 8)) |>
    .f = separate, 
    col = V1, 
    into = c(paste0("P", 21:25), "Mplus_correct_A1", "Mplus_correct_AvN"),
    sep = c(15, 31, 47, 63, 79, 95)
  ) |>
  map(select, Mplus_correct_A1, Mplus_correct_AvN) |>
    .f = pivot_longer, 
    cols = everything(), 
    names_to = "model", 
    values_to = "estimate",
    values_transform = list(estimate = as.numeric)
  ) |>
  list_rbind() |> 
    condition = rep(c(1:3, 16:18), each = n_params*n_reps),
    id_funcForm = 1, 
    sample_size = rep(c(300, 1000), each = n_params*n_reps*n_props),
    prop_exposed = rep(rep(c(0.1, 0.5, 0.9), each = n_params*n_reps), times = n_sample_sizes),
    PV = if_else(model == "Mplus_correct_A1", .32, .72), 
    bias = estimate - PV
  ) |>
  relocate(bias, .before = id_funcForm) |>
  relocate(condition, .before = model)

## Check if extraction of point estimates was successful: Compare to Mplus .out file
check_correct_DGM1 <- df_Mplus_correct_DGM1 |> 
  group_by(condition, model) |>
    average = mean(estimate),
    SD = sd(estimate),
    MSE = mean((estimate - PV)^2)

# Read in Mplus results DGM 2, 3, and 4 (correct)
df_Mplus_correct_DGM234 <- map(
  .x = paste0(".\\simulation\\condition", c(4:12, 19:27), "\\results_correct_condition", c(4:12, 19:27), ".dat"),
  .f = read.delim,
  header = FALSE
) |> map(slice, seq(4, (8*n_reps) - 4, 8)) |>
    .f = separate, 
    col = V1, 
    into = c(paste0("P", 21:28), "Mplus_correct_A1", "Mplus_correct_AvN"),
    sep = c(15, 31, 47, 63, 79, 95, 111, 127, 143)
  ) |>
  map(select, Mplus_correct_A1, Mplus_correct_AvN) |>
    .f = pivot_longer, 
    cols = everything(), 
    names_to = "model", 
    values_to = "estimate",
    values_transform = list(estimate = as.numeric)
  ) |>
  list_rbind() |> 
    condition = rep(c(4:12, 19:27), each = n_params*n_reps),
    id_funcForm = rep(rep(c(2:4), each = n_params*n_props*n_reps), times = n_sample_sizes),
    sample_size = rep(c(300, 1000), each = n_params*n_reps*n_props*3),
    prop_exposed = rep(rep(c(0.1, 0.5, 0.9), each = n_params*n_reps), times = 3*n_sample_sizes),
    PV = if_else(model == "Mplus_correct_A1", .32, .72), 
    bias = estimate - PV
  ) |>
  relocate(bias, .before = id_funcForm) |>
  relocate(condition, .before = model)

## Check if extraction of point estimates was successful: Compare to Mplus .out file
check_correct_DGM234 <- df_Mplus_correct_DGM234 |> 
  group_by(condition, model) |>
    average = mean(estimate),
    SD = sd(estimate),
    MSE = mean((estimate - PV)^2)
# Read in Mplus results DGM 5 (correct)
df_Mplus_correct_DGM5 <- map(
  .x = paste0(".\\simulation\\condition", c(13:15, 28:30), "\\results_correct_condition", c(13:15, 28:30), ".dat"),
  .f = read.delim,
  header = FALSE
) |> map(slice, seq(5, (10*n_reps) - 5, 10)) |>
    .f = separate, 
    col = V1, 
    into = c(paste0("P", 31:34), "Mplus_correct_A1", "Mplus_correct_AvN"),
    sep = c(15, 31, 47, 63, 79)
  ) |>
  map(select, Mplus_correct_A1, Mplus_correct_AvN) |>
    .f = pivot_longer, 
    cols = everything(), 
    names_to = "model", 
    values_to = "estimate",
    values_transform = list(estimate = as.numeric)
  ) |>
  list_rbind() |> 
    condition = rep(c(13:15, 28:30), each = n_params*n_reps),
    id_funcForm = 5, 
    sample_size = rep(c(300, 1000), each = n_params*n_reps*n_props),
    prop_exposed = rep(rep(c(0.1, 0.5, 0.9), each = n_params*n_reps), times = n_sample_sizes),
    PV = if_else(model == "Mplus_correct_A1", .32, .72), 
    bias = estimate - PV
  ) |>
  relocate(bias, .before = id_funcForm) |>
  relocate(condition, .before = model)

## Check if extraction of point estimates was successful: Compare to Mplus .out file
check_correct_DGM5 <- df_Mplus_correct_DGM5 |> 
  group_by(condition, model) |>
    average = mean(estimate),
    SD = sd(estimate),
    MSE = mean((estimate - PV)^2)

# Add estimates of Mplus_correct to other estimates
out_estimates <- map(
  .x = list(df_Mplus_correct_DGM1, df_Mplus_correct_DGM234, df_Mplus_correct_DGM5),
  .f = select,
  -PV, -estimate
  ) |>
  reduce(rbind) |>

Visualizing simulation results

The below R code visualizes the results. It can be used to create the Figures 6 and 7 in the main manuscript.

performance_AvN <- out_estimates |>
  #filter(sample_size == 1000) |>
  filter(model == "IPW_AvN" | model == "regression_AvN" | 
           model ==  "Mplus_linear_AvN" | model == "Mplus_correct_AvN" |
           model == "correct_AvN") |>
  mutate(est_AvN = bias + 0.72) |>
  group_by(model, prop_exposed, id_funcForm, sample_size) |>
    est_bias = mean(bias),
    SE_bias = sqrt( (1 / (1000 * 999)) * sum((est_AvN - mean(est_AvN))^2) ),
    est_MSE = mean(bias^2),
    SE_MSE = sqrt( (sum((bias^2 - est_MSE)^2)) / (1000 * 999))
  ) |>

# Visualize performance statistics
plot_bias_AvN_complete <- performance_AvN |>
  #filter(prop_exposed == .1 | prop_exposed == .5) |>
  filter(model != "ttest_AvN") |>
    model_mod = recode_factor(model, 
      "IPW_AvN" = "IPW (L)",
      "Mplus_linear_AvN" = "Path (L)",
      "correct_AvN" = "IPW (L, Q)", 
      "Mplus_correct_AvN" = "Path (L, Q)",
      "regression_AvN" = "Unadjusted"
    prop_exposed_mod = recode(prop_exposed, 
      "0.1" = "10% exposed",
      "0.5" = "50% exposed",
      "0.9" = "90% exposed"
    id_funcForm_mod = recode(id_funcForm,
      "1" = "DGM 1\nNo misspecification",
      "2" = "DGM 2\nCovariate",
      "3" = "DGM 3\nOutcome",
      "4" = "DGM 4\nExposure",
      "5" = "DGM 5\nCombined"
  ) |>
  ggplot(aes(x = est_bias, y = as.factor(model_mod), color = as.factor(sample_size))) +
  geom_point(size = 3) + 
  #geom_pointrange(aes(xmin = est_bias - 1.96*SE_bias, xmax = est_bias + 1.96*SE_bias)) + 
  scale_y_discrete(limits = c("Unadjusted", "Path (L, Q)", "IPW (L, Q)", "Path (L)", "IPW (L)")) + 
  scale_x_continuous(n.breaks = 3, limits = c(-.5, .5)) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype = 2) + 
  facet_grid(prop_exposed_mod ~ as.factor(id_funcForm_mod)) + 
  xlab("Bias") +
  labs(color = "Sample size") +
    legend.position = "bottom", 
    axis.title.y = element_blank(), 
    text = element_text(size = 20)

  filename = "./figures/plot_bias_AvN_complete.png", 
  plot = plot_bias_AvN_complete,
  width = 14,
  height = 7

plot_MSE_AvN <- performance_AvN |>
  #filter(prop_exposed == .1 | prop_exposed == .5) |>
  filter(model != "ttest_AvN") |>
    model_mod = recode_factor(model, 
      "IPW_AvN" = "IPW (L)",
      "Mplus_linear_AvN" = "Path (L)",
      "correct_AvN" = "IPW (L, Q)", 
      "Mplus_correct_AvN" = "Path (L, Q)",
      "regression_AvN" = "Unadjusted"
    prop_exposed_mod = recode(prop_exposed, 
      "0.1" = "10% exposed",
      "0.5" = "50% exposed",
      "0.9" = "90% exposed"
    id_funcForm_mod = recode(id_funcForm,
      "1" = "DGM 1\nNo misspecification",
      "2" = "DGM 2\nCovariate",
      "3" = "DGM 3\nOutcome",
      "4" = "DGM 4\nExposure",
      "5" = "DGM 5\nCombined"
  ) |>
  ggplot(aes(x = est_MSE, y = as.factor(model_mod), color = as.factor(sample_size))) +
  geom_point(size = 3) + 
  #geom_pointrange(aes(xmin = est_MSE - 1.96*SE_MSE, xmax = est_MSE + 1.96*SE_MSE)) + 
  scale_y_discrete(limits = c("Unadjusted", "Path (L, Q)", "IPW (L, Q)", "Path (L)", "IPW (L)")) + 
  scale_x_continuous(n.breaks = 3, limits = c(0, 1)) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype = 2) + 
  facet_grid(prop_exposed_mod ~ as.factor(id_funcForm_mod)) + 
  xlab("MSE") +
  labs(color = "Sample size") +
    legend.position = "bottom", 
    axis.title.y = element_blank(), 
    text = element_text(size = 20)

  filename = "./figures/plot_MSE_AvN_complete.png", 
  plot = plot_MSE_AvN,
  width = 14,
  height = 7

# Visualize raw data
plot_estimates_AvN <- out_estimates |>
  filter(sample_size == 1000 & (prop_exposed == .1 | prop_exposed == .5)) |>
  filter(model == "IPW_AvN" | model == "regression_AvN" | 
           model ==  "Mplus_linear_AvN" | model == "Mplus_correct_AvN" |
           model == "correct_AvN") |>
    est_AvN = bias + 0.72,
    model_mod = recode_factor(model, 
      "IPW_AvN" = "MSM (L)",
      "Mplus_linear_AvN" = "SEM (L)",
      "correct_AvN" = "MSM (C)", 
      "Mplus_correct_AvN" = "SEM (C)",
      "regression_AvN" = "Unadjusted"
    prop_exposed_mod = recode(prop_exposed, 
      "0.1" = "10% exposed",
      "0.5" = "50% exposed"
    id_funcForm_mod = recode(id_funcForm,
      "1" = "DGM 1\nNo misspecification",
      "2" = "DGM 2\nCovariate",
      "3" = "DGM 3\nOutcome",
      "4" = "DGM 4\nExposure",
      "5" = "DGM 5\nCombined"
  ) |>
  ggplot(aes(x = est_AvN, y = as.factor(model_mod), fill = as.factor(model_mod))) + 
    scale = .9, 
    quantile_lines = TRUE,
    quantiles = c(.025, .5, .975),
    alpha = .7
  ) + 
  scale_y_discrete(limits = rev) + 
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0.72, linetype = 2) + 
  facet_grid(prop_exposed_mod ~ as.factor(id_funcForm_mod)) + 
  scale_x_continuous(n.breaks = 5, limits = c(-1, 3)) +
  xlab(expression(hat(theta))) + 
    legend.position = "none", 
    axis.title.y = element_blank(), 
    text = element_text(size = 10)
  ) + 
  scale_fill_viridis_d(option = "D") # Colorblind-safe colours

  filename = "./figures/plot_estimates_AvN.png", 
  plot = plot_estimates_AvN,
  width = 7,
  height = 7


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