Introduction to Causal Inference using Observational Data in the Social Sciences

Introduction to Causal Inference using Observational Data in the Social Sciences

The course “Introduction to Causal Inference using Observational Data in the Social Sciences” is an eight-week introductory course about causal inference that I created and teach. It is aimed at students of the social sciences and teaches them the basic building blocks of modern causal inference, the steps and assumptions that need to be made throughout a causal research project, and gets students acquinted with the application of various estimation techniques to simulated and empirical (i.e., real-world) observational data. Topics in this course include the Rubin Causal Model, Directed Acyclical Graphs, and g-methods for longitudinal data analysis, such as inverse probability weighting and g-estimation.

For the winter semester 2024/2025, this course is an optional seminar of the “Psychology” master program at the Humboldt-Universität, Berlin.

More Information

More information about this course can be found on the website of Utrecht Summer School and the course website.