Mplus Summer School

Each summer, the department of Methodology and Statistics at Utrecht University organizes two five-day summer schools about structural equation modeling using Mplus: “Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling using Mplus” and “Advanced Course on Using Mplus”. The first course is an introductory course that aims to teach students how to analyze several models with Mplus (e.g. path models, multiple group models, mediation and moderation, confirmatory factor analysis, and longitudinal models). It also include a consultation day in which students can work on their own research project, while getting advice from experts involved in the course. The second course consists of in-depth lectures on the fundamentals of SEM, Mplus, and advanced longitudinal models such as various cross-lagged panel models, growth curve models, longitudinal models with categorical latent variables, and dynamic structural equation models.
My Responsibilities
I teach and organize multiple days in this course. The topics I teach about include:
- Full structural equation modeling (combining the measurement model, and structural model),
- Introduction to longitudinal data analysis using SEM,
- Latent growth curve modeling,
- Latent class analysis and latent growth mixture modeling,
- Causal inference in cross-lagged panel research, and
- Statistical consultation.
More Information
More information about “Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling using Mplus” can be found on the website of Utrecht Summer School and the course website. More information about “Advanced Course on Using Mplus” can be found on the website of Utrecht Summer School and the course website.