
This page documents important updates and additions to the Mplus syntax, lavaan code, or the FAQ.

April 14, 2024 The FAQ has been updated with a question about causal interpretation of estimates from the RI-CLPM.
January 16, 2024 The FAQ about inclusion of covariates in the RI-CLPM has been updated. The lavaan tab now contains additional explanation about informative hypothesis testing using the GORICA.
July 6, 2023 The FAQ has been updated with information on investgating moderation with the RI-CLPM.
July 21, 2022 The FAQ has been updated with information on how to impose constraints such that the standardized lagged effects can be made time-invariant. Mplus and lavaan model syntax for specifying such a model have been added as well.
June 28, 2022 The answer to the FAQ regarding an RI-CLPM for three or more outcomes has been updated with new examples of researchers applying a trivariate RI-CLPM.
May 17, 2022 The FAQ has been updated with a link to the powRICLPM R-package. This package is currently developed to allow for user-friendly power analysis for the RI-CLPM.
November 23, 2021 Residual model syntax specifications for Mplus have been added, in which the new “hat-notation” of Mplus version 8.7 is used, as well as PON and PWITH statements to allow for simpler input files. Furthermore, the FAQ was updated with the latest information on the RI-CLPM for categorical variables, and a new question and answer concerning development over time in the RI-CLPM was added.
July 7, 2021 The FAQ has been updated with an informal response to some of the conclusions drawn by Orth et al. (2021) regarding the use and appropriateness of the CLPM and RI-CLPM.